Dear Founders and Supporters,
As the year draws to a close, all of us on the Board of Directors are immensely grateful for your continued and enthusiastic support of the Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center, Inc.
In 2019, we laid the groundwork for establishing the Robert A. Facchina Italian American Museum in Washington, D.C. Our plans are to begin the bidding process for the installation of the exhibits early in January 2020, and we look forward to an official opening this spring. We also continue to develop our Marconi project, recordings of oral histories, and are proceeding on a virtual museum to make the rich and varied history of our community available to a broader audience.
This past year, we have also supported a number of cultural events at Casa Italiana, including the commemoration of Giovanni Falcone, the Columbus Day Ceremony, and theatrical performances sponsored by the Casa Italiana Ente Promotore, among other activities. In addition, we Founders have donated funds to name one of the conference rooms in the new building after the Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center, Inc.
The new year will be a very active one at Casa Italiana. Fr. Ezio Marchetto has indicated that the extension to Casa Italiana should be ready for occupancy in January 2020. The Italian language classes will then move back from current temporary space on G Street to the new quarters. In addition to sponsoring and supporting a host of cultural events, we plan to inaugurate an annual gala at Casa Italiana to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to our community. We will keep you informed about our plans as soon as the dates are finalized.
During this Christmas season, we offer a special thank you to Fr. Ezio for his vision of creating an expanded cultural footprint to showcase our community’s contributions to our nation’s capital, and to support heritage enrichment activities at Casa Italiana.
Thank you all, God bless you, and a Happy New Year, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center, Inc.
Francesco Isgro, President & CEO
Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center Inc.

2019 Commemoration of Giovanni Falcone. Generale dei Carabinieri Francesco Azzaro, Judge Romina Incutti (honored guest speaker), Francesco Isgro